Commissioned by Performance Space for 30 Ways With Time and Space Under Different Circumstances was a 10 minute dance performed in 30 different locations within Carriageworks. Performing the same choreography in each landscape Ryuichi Fujimura and Kate Sherman were curious as to how the work would be informed, transformed and framed by each different environment for an audience. This work was performed in tiny nooks, under staircases, in the vast expanse of the open and cavernous foyer, outside on the rail tracks, on the stairs, in the entrance, on the street, behind the glass looking out, from the outside looking in, in front of large walls, behind the wired fence, in the bar, in walkways, in the bathrooms, in a tiny door….It was an investigation into how space creates and changes meaning, how work is read differently within different spaces which act as frames and how architectural landscape informs content?