‘With every new production, Legs on the Wall reinvents itself. Every work in its repertoire is distinctly different and original.’ Australian Stage
My Bicycle Loves You is a wildly imaginative, often surreal, modern-day fantasy that pays homage to the spirit of vaudeville.
A mad menagerie of characters from the Corrick films is set loose in a modern world, disrupting the sedate lives of neighbours in an ordinary Australian apartment building. In these delightful yet illogical encounters, everything goes sideways: people magically transform into vegetables, mirrors reflect the unexpected, and cameras don’t film what you want them to.
In this world premiere, Europe’s vaudeville performers of the 1900s come face-to-face with their living Australian counterparts through the creative genius of Legs on the Wall. My Bicycle Loves Youbrings together a team of brilliant Australian musicians, acrobats, multimedia experts and theatre-makers who will share the stage – and screen – with the fantastical, dream-like ghosts of a bygone era.
Sydney Festival 2011 - Roslyn Packer Theatre