Kate is driven to contribute to individual and collective social change through the arts and somatic healing modalities.  She works in the space of embodiment through multiple lenses: as a multi disciplinary performance maker, embodiment researcher, educator, movement coach, somatics informed holistic counsellor and dramaturg. She has created programs including Body Mind Space - The Actor is Present, Mindful Performing and The Creative Lab.

She runs creative educational programs and workshops with Private and Public Arts Organisations including Schools Educational Institutes, Government Bodies, Non for Profits including the Arts Unit, Belvoir and Chopt Logic nurturing and supporting young artists creative practice.

She is The Head of Movement at The Actors Centre and teaches Performance Making at The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) for BFA Acting students. She facilitates creative processes; guiding emerging artists to deepen and develop their own practice as future change makers and has worked in curriculum design and development as the Program Manager for Schools and Community at NIDA Open. She has a passion for working with Teaching Artists expand, deepen and nurture their practice.

As an educator and coach she is inspired and informed by Somatic Practices such as Authentic Movement, BMC (Body Mind Centering), Gaga, Body Weather Dance and Yoga. As a certified Yoga Teacher (primarily informed by Embodied Flow, a combination of Somatics, Kashmir Shaivism Non Dual Philosophy, BMC (Body Mind Centering) and Somatic Psychology) she draws on ancient eastern practices as well as Mind Body Therapy techniques and Somatic Trauma Therapy practices. She has recently studied Embodied Flow’s Advanced Teaching Models Body and Mind,  completed a MindBody Therapy Certification program with Embodied Philosophy and has a certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy.

Kate is a certified Life Coach and Presentation Skills Coach working primarily through the lens of NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) combined with bottom up approaches to offer an integrative and holistic approach to clients. She Coaches Presentation skills and Effective Communication utilising her Acting training from the NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) lens. She works in the Corporate Sector to expand Embodied Awareness and Consciousness under the premise that awareness equals choice.

Kate has an Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Counselling; a holistic pedagogy including body mind and spirit, she draws on the practices of Focusing (Eugene Gendlin) and IFS (Internal Family Systems) and is committed to person centered counselling which lives by the premise that each of us holds our innate wisdom within.

She has a creative practice as a multidisciplinary performer of 20 years which she draws from in her work as a Director, Performance Maker and Dramtaturg. As an award winning performer and performance maker she created works which were presented in Melbourne, Dark Mofo, FOLA (Festival of Live Art)  in gallery spaces such as RoslynOxley9 Gallery, Arts Basel Hong Kong, site specific work in Carriageworks and Public Art in Harry Seidler buildings in Sydney. Her work has spanned Live Art, Public Site Specific Art, Dance, Live Gaming, VR, Puppetry and Acting.


Most recently she was in a video work entitled ASCENCIO: AETERNA MULTIVERSE at theAdelaide Festival Centre 2025. She was the Movement Realiser for Monkey Baa Theatre’s Tour of Possum Magic. She was also recently Dramaturgical Support for Scomodo a new dance work exploring the deconstruction of the body. In 2022 she Directed a new Site Specific Work entitled Temporary Ecosystems as part of the Inner West Fest which explored our relationship to ourselves, each other and our natural environment. In 2019 she was a part of a creative development for a new VR work entitled Ascencio at Artist in Residence Chateau Orquevaux (France) Directed by Liberte Grace. She was a Scribe Artist at Dance Massive with Fragment 31 (Leisa Shelton) which is a project which transposes the experiences of Festival of Live Art audiences and public alike.

She created Animal a visceral and imagistic work exploring the cycle of violence premiered at Theatre Works and was showcased at APAM and presented at Dark Mofo Festival in Tasmania in 2018. Animal, created with Susie Dee and Nicci Wilks was nominated for 6 Greenroom Awards and won Best Direction, Best Ensemble, Best Sound and Lighting Design. In 2017 she undertook a responsive residency at Critical Path in investigating how the concept and aesthetic Wabi Sabi can be interpreted into choreography with collaborator Ryuichi Fujimura and made a work for the Exhibition “A Working Model of The World” in a program exploring the social space at UNSW – Art and Design. In 2015 she had a short film exhibited in the RoslynOxley9 Gallery in Sydney entitled Perfect Boy Redux – Imaginarium which was also presented at Arts Basel in Hong Kong and directed by Liberte Grace. In 2015 she co collaborated on a show entitled Genius for the Festival of Live Art (FOLA) with Neurodiverse performers.

She was funded by The Ian Potter Cultural Trust to study at Ecole Philippe Gaulier (Paris 2012) and in 2013 performed in The Republic of Trees a large scale site specific work for the Castlemaine Festival and performed a new site specific dance work entitled Under Different Circumstances in 30 Ways with Time and Space at Performance Space/ Carriageworks. For 2013/14 she was awarded a Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarship engaging in Practice Based Research with international dance theatre companies Witness Relocation, Les Ballets C de la B (Belgium), Batsheva Dance Company (Israel), collaborated with Director DJ Mendel (NY) on her new work Out of Order, observed Frantic Assembly (UK), studied at The Live Art Development Agency (UK) and studied dance improvisation and choreography with Deborah Hay (UK). Here intention was to bring this knowledge back to the Australian landscape.

In 2014 she performed and puppeteered in Ruby’s Wish at Downstairs Belvoir, did a residency for a new work Out of Order and created a site specific performance art piece entitled Under Harry’s Circumstances for Harry Seidler’s Expanded Architecture: Temporal Formal Exhibition. This work was published in a Bauhaus Publication. In 2015 she had a film exhibited in the RoslynOxley9 Gallery in Sydney entitled Perfect Boy Redux – Imaginarium which was also presented at Arts Basel in Hong Kong. In 2011 she devised a play called Once Under A Sky with her Company at the time Cursing the Sea. She has also studied with International companies Arch8, Complicite, Mimecentrum, Kneehigh Theatre and La Fura Dels Baus. She performed in a La Fura Deels Baus work in Melbourne in 2012.

Kate Graduated from NIDA in 2005 and completed a Graduate Certificate in Arts and Community Engagement at The VCA with the Centre for Cultural Partnerships.