ASCENSIO: AETERNA MULTIVERSE (2023) is a single-channel video work by Liberté Grace performed by Kate Sherman exploring timelessness and the fall of power through the enlightenment of our darkest histories.

What if time did not exist, and we could access everything that we are, were, and will become—before, during, and after birth—even death, and our eventual enlightenment? 

In the realm of infinite potentials, a fictional persona called ASCENSIO explores the recesses of its infinite inner consciousness and soul, realising its soul's unlimited nature beyond time. Within its imagined inner universe are endless rooms of consciousness. Within them, a grand dance takes place in which many versions of itself, no matter their characteristics, are destined to fulfil their highest potential of wisdom, maturity, and ultimate resolution. 

Within the universe of ASCENSIO, the colour gold represents the wisdom of the soul within—the potential for the total transmutation of humanity's darkest histories and archetypes into wisdom and pure light, through the absolute love and acceptance of the timeless self.